This San Francisco Mall-Brand Is Reissuing RBG's Infamous Dissent Collar

Add this delicious tidbit to the things you didn’t know about the Notorious RBG: her dissent collar is actually a necklace from San Francisco’s very own mall brand, Banana Republic.

The company released the original necklace in 2012, but (smartly) decided to reissue the style, $98, as a limited edition item this week. BR also announced it would be donating 50 percent of the purchase price to the ACLU’s Women's Rights Project. There’s just one problem: all the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stans —and there are a lot—scrambled to copy the justice’s look and the bib immediately sold out.

But that’s not the final word in this judicial style saga.

According to Banana’s Instagram account, the company was so moved by the dissent collar pre-order response that it’s working to create another run of the necklaces. To call dibs on your own, you’ll have to slide into BR’s DMs with your email address—a small chore compared to the thrill of twinning with Ginsburg.